Remedial Massage is a cornerstone of holistic health, with benefits that include easing chronic pain, boosting circulation, enhancing joint flexibility, and promoting relaxation. Alongside physical therapy, we offer advice on stretching, posture, and lifestyle adjustments to support your overall health journey.

What is Remedial Massage

Our clinic's remedial massage therapy goes beyond relaxation, offering targeted care to alleviate pain, restore function, and enhance well-being. Through a variety of techniques like deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release, our experienced therapists tailor treatments to address your specific needs, helping to relieve muscle tension, improve mobility, and reduce stress.

Each session is customised to your individual health goals and concerns, ensuring a therapeutic experience that supports your body's natural healing processes. Our dedicated team is here to guide you toward better health, combining expert techniques with a compassionate approach to care.

Join us at our clinic for a remedial massage experience that's focused on your health and well-being. Let our skilled therapists help you unlock the benefits of this powerful therapy, paving the way for a healthier, more balanced you.

Our philosophy

“Osteopathy is more than just hands-on manual therapy. We consider and treat the whole person understanding contributing factors such as; exercise, posture, ergonomics, diet & nutrition to  form a wholistic treatment plan. It's the osteopath's job to find the problem, solve it and leave the body to restore itself. By optimising the body's structure, we can maximise it's function. ”

Amanda, Director

FAQs about Remedial Massage

  • Remedial massage is effective in treating a variety of conditions, including back pain, muscle tension, headaches, sports injuries, and chronic pain conditions. By targeting specific areas of discomfort, remedial massage aims to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and promote recovery.

  • Unlike regular relaxation massages that focus on providing general comfort and stress relief, remedial massage is a therapeutic approach aimed at treating specific musculoskeletal issues. Through tailored techniques like deep tissue work and trigger point therapy, remedial massage therapists address the root cause of pain and dysfunction.

  • The frequency of remedial massages depends on your individual needs, condition, and treatment goals. Some may benefit from weekly sessions during acute phases of pain or injury, while others might find monthly sessions sufficient for maintenance and prevention. A qualified therapist can recommend a personalised treatment plan.

  • Remedial massage incorporates various techniques such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and stretching to relieve muscle tension and enhance recovery. Therapists may also use heat or cold therapy and recommend exercises to support the treatment's effectiveness.

  • Yes, remedial massage can be an effective treatment for reducing stress and anxiety. It promotes relaxation, reduces muscle tension associated with stress, and improves overall well-being. The holistic approach of remedial massage therapy also supports mental health by encouraging a state of calm and balance.

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